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Enter the Abyss




Hammer World Editor

Adobe Illustrator



~4 months



This level is part two of a three level long campaign, my duties were to document, build out, script and decorate this level from beginning to end.
For this level I started with documenting the layout of the map as well as finding reference images online to help me get a feel for the sort of modeling I would need to do with the space to make it feel real. I set about this task using Abode Illustrator, mapping out the player path and all important interactables that would be contained within the map.

Narrative Overview

Enter the Abyss depicts the journey of an ordinary citizen fighting to protect his hometown that has been taken over by a zombie worshiping cult. Entering an old mine the player begins to find the cultists lair, laying waste to these intruders to reclaim his towns independence.
Design Documentation - Page 1

Design Documentation - Page 1

Here I lay out the entire maps overview, outlining the players path as well as all important items and NPC's in the map.

Design Documentation - Page 2

Design Documentation - Page 2

Here is the key for the documented map.

Design Documentation - Page 3

Design Documentation - Page 3

I chunked the first area into one section to focus more in detail into the exact actions that the player would go through in the level.

Design Documentation - Page 4

Design Documentation - Page 4

Design Documentation - Page 5

Design Documentation - Page 5

Reference images for the trailer building and sewer archetecture.

Design Documentation - Page 6

Design Documentation - Page 6

Reference images for the sewer as well as the mine.

Design Documentation - Page 7

Design Documentation - Page 7

Reference images for the mine.

Design Documentation - Page 8

Design Documentation - Page 8

Reference images for the mine.

Building Out

The implementation of the level began as soon as the layout and scripted portions were all figured out and documented. I started out with blocking out the map and getting the scripted areas to function properly, interating upon them until they worked in a satisfactory manner. Once the gameplay was all implemented and fully functional I began my art pass of the level, finding the right textures and props to place throughout the game space to make it feel believable and realistic.
Block out image 1

Block out image 1

Block out image 2

Block out image 2

Art pass image 1

Art pass image 1

Art pass image 2

Art pass image 2

Final layout image 1

Final layout image 1

Final layout image 2

Final layout image 2


The gameplay of Enter the Abyss is largely comprised of carefully navigating the game spaces for keys to locked doors as well as extra weapons and ammo for the plethra of enemies the player will face. With a dimly lit cavern environment the player must utilize their flashlight to most easily find the hidden items. 
Entering the sewers

Entering the sewers

This is the start of the level, falling down from the town above into a sewer that leads to an old mine.

Looking through the sewer grates

Looking through the sewer grates

Viewing through sewer grates allows the player to get a glimpse of a later section of the level.

Looking through the sewer grates

Looking through the sewer grates

This sewer grate shows the section they are about to enter.

Opening the sewer door with a key

Opening the sewer door with a key

Opening the sewer door allows the player to enter the old mine.

Entering the mine shack

Entering the mine shack

Opening this door reveals the first cultist guard, armed and aware of your presence.

Looking at the conversion cage

Looking at the conversion cage

This cage is where the cultists place the captured townspeople, and where they "convert" them to their side.

Looking at the locked security door

Looking at the locked security door

This security door leads to the last section of the level, requiring a key in the first area to be located.

Looking down the cave hallway

Looking down the cave hallway

This hallway connects to the locked door that transitions to the next level, requiring a key that is found in the last section to be opened.

Entering the shrine

Entering the shrine

This is the cultists shrine, where the large scale converting happens.

Fighting out of the shrine

Fighting out of the shrine

Activating the cultists "Ascension Program" opens to doors of the converted to enlighten those trapped within.


© 2014 by J. Cody Winchester. Proudly created with

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